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May 2024

We held our official groundbreaking at our permanent site on May 11, and an exuberant group of supporters came to help, including Diane Libby of the Robert R. Rosenheim Foundation and Cornwall’s First Selectmen Gordon Ridgway. Work is underway and the old building will be razed this month. The press came as well (see below), and of course lots of photos were taken!


February 2024

The new building will be built directly on top of the current’s building’s location so the staff and animals needed to move to a temporary location. The Little Guild serves as  the town animal shelter for Cornwall and the Town of Cornwall agreed to lease a small portion of Foote Field on Route 4, just a few miles from our location on Sharon -Goshen Turnpike for a temporary location. We expect to be in residence for 12-14 months. The staff and animals will be housed in two construction trailers and a modular  kennel. To level the field The Guild was able to use some of the fill from its current site, which explains the “big hole” next to the Guild. Move in day will happen as soon as the weather warms a little!

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January 2024

For more than two years The Little Guild has been planning its future and its much needed new facility, researching options and programs, meeting with architects and raising money.   

“Hours of volunteer and staff time were dedicated to getting this right, and so many people made generous contributions of time and money.  The Rosenheim Foundation in particular has been an animating force for the entire project and provided early support and inspiration,” said Board President Karen Doeblin.  “We are really excited about getting underway and look forward to serving this area for many more generations.”


The new building will house the same number of animals it currently does yet is thoughtfully designed to help The Guild do more in roughly the same amount of square feet. It will allow us to quarantine animals, provide adoption meet and greets, have quiet rooms for especially stressed animals and has a large multi purpose training and meeting room for education, among other things.


A new facility will improve the environment for our animals, increase efficiency, and allow for expanded community outreach and support.  With modern spaces to provide tranquil spaces and quarantine options and an expanded space to house training and community programming, we can greatly increase our impact on the community.   

The challenges of our current facility:

  • There are many challenges for a non-profit specializing in animal welfare, but by far the greatest is our current facility.  For the last 30 years the Little Guild has operated out of a renovated house, which was not designed to sustain the wear and tear that an animal shelter inflicts, requiring substantial efforts from our staff in maintenance and repairs. 


  • There are no viable noise reduction options for our poorly configured kennels and the cat rooms are in close proximity, resulting in increased anxiety for both dogs and cats that are often already traumatized, oftentimes producing a digression in behavior which makes facilitating a successful adoption all the more challenging and lengthens the stay for many animals.

  • The cat rooms are small interior spaces with limited ventilation.

  • The kennel's current state and configuration demand that the staff expend twice the efforts in cleaning.

  • The current facility does not allow for dog quarantine capabilities, hindering our ability to take in surrenders and aid other local shelters, as well as leaving our dog population vulnerable to exposure of infection.

  • There are no dedicated areas to conduct animal welfare education, animal socializing, volunteer orientations, or adoption meet and greets; those functions all currently occur in a small and crowded lobby.  

  • Training sessions must happen outdoors, or in inclement weather in the office of the Executive Director.



Impact of a new facility:


  • The healthier and more calming environment, and the increase in staff efficiency allowed by the new design, will reduce the animals' length of stay and allow for more animals to be rescued.  

  • The new design allows for quaranting capabilites for both dogs and cats, allowing us to take in more surrenders, aid more local shelters, and protect the dog and cat population at the Little Guild.  The kennels will incorporate noise reduction and air filtration capabilities, the cat rooms will have increased space, outdoor windows and a catico allowing for outdoor enrichment.

  • A new large community room will make possible increased offerings of events for pet owner support, pet health, training, animal welfare education, and volunteer opportunities. We anticipate being able to more than double the amount of community members we support.

  • A new facility will diminish the challenges in caring for the animals and allow for greatly improved workflow, permitting additional community outreach by our dedicated staff. 

  • A new facility will be a resource for the entire community!

285 Sharon Goshen Turnpike

West Cornwall, CT 06796



The Little Guild is a 501 (c)3 organization.

EIN: 23-7131298


Monday/Tuesday - Closed

Wednesday- Friday - 12 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Saturday - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Sunday - 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.



The Little Guild is open to the public!  For the safety of our staff

and animals, visitors are asked to follow all current masking guidelines.

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 The Little Guild  ©  2021 

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