While construction on our new shelter is underway, we will be operating from a temporary location. Foote Field, Furnace Brook Road, Cornwall Bridge. While we are getting settled there, please call before visiting 860-672-6346. If you don't reach us via phone, you can also contact us via email at manager@littleguild.org or susan@littleguild.org.
Sponsor A Little Guild Animal!

Sponsor a Little Guild animal! Your monthly donation will help provide food, supplies, and toys! Please review our available animals and let us know which one you would like to sponsor! When the animal you've sponsored is adopted, we will reach out to you to let you know about their new forever home!
Some of the animals that come to the Little Guild require more time and/or special care to get them ready for their forever families. Your sponsorship of one of these animals will help provide with the necessary training, food, and medical attention they need to be their best and to find a loving home. You can sponsor one of these animals for $250 for a Special Needs Cat or $350 for a Special Needs Dog.

Andy has medium/high energy, and needs calm, confident handling to help him overcome his insecurities. He has a tendency towards “stranger danger” and will benefit from continued training to help him understand and navigate the world. Andy is a little on the timid side, but once over his initial shyness he will shower you with affection and loyalty.
Please note: All dogs that are adopted from the Little Guild have available free training with our canine behaviorist to support them in their new homes.