While construction on our new shelter is underway, we will be operating from a temporary location. Foote Field, Furnace Brook Road, Cornwall Bridge. While we are getting settled there, please call before visiting 860-672-6346. If you don't reach us via phone, you can also contact us via email at manager@littleguild.org or susan@littleguild.org.

Sunday, June 9
Lime Rock Park in Lakeville, CT
11:00 am to 2:30 pm
Free Admission
Rain or Shine


Live Music & Food
Use the Main Entrance: 60 White Hollow Road, Lakeville
The Little Guild's Great Country Mutt Show will be held rain or shine on Sunday, June 9th, from 11 am to 2:30 pm at Lime Rock Park in Lakeville, CT. Free and open to spectators, the Great Country Mutt Show is a Westminster-style Dog Show that celebrates all breeds and creeds! (Yes, purebred dogs are welcome too!)
There is an opportunity for everyone's beloved dog to compete under the big tent. Categories include: Junior (humans under 12), Most Unidentifiable Mix, Sweetest Pair of Dogs, Best Ears, Best Trick, Best Lap Dog Over 40 Lbs., Best Senior, Best Kisser, and Waggiest Tail! The show finishes with a Best in Show Parade for all participating dogs! For a $20 registration fee, you can register your pup for your 2 favorite categories and the Best In Show parade. Click the link below to register now!
Outside the rings, there will be live music by the Joint Chiefs, a fantastic raffle, fun vendors, and amazing food from local food trucks. Tito's Handmade Vodka is a sponsor of the Great Country Mutt Show, and will have a tent available offering a specialty drink and some fun happenings for dogs and people alike!

Nicole Nalepa
Nicole Nalepa will be this year’s Mistress of Ceremonies at the Great Country Mutt Show! Nicole is the anchor of Connecticut’s #1 morning newscast, “Eyewitness News This Morning”, and co-hosts the WFSB lifestyle T.V. show ”Great Day at 9A.”, along with Scott Haney. Nicole also hosts weekly franchises including: “Family Friday”, “What’s Going On”, “The Bright Spot”, and “3 Things You Need to Know & 1 You Don’t”. The mom of two also produces and hosts a weekly show called, “Mommyhood Unscripted”, tackling some of the biggest topics and least discussed issues surrounding motherhood. Nicole is an avid animal lover, and is thrilled to be supporting the Little Guild at this year’s Great Country Mutt Show.

Bill Berloni
Bill Berloni, GCMS Chief Judge, is an animal behaviorist, humanitarian, and author known for his training of rescue animals. He is the only animal trainer ever to have been honored with a Tony Award and, over the years, has trained many animals for stage and screen. His career in theater began with the original Sandy for “Annie”. He is also an American Animal Advocate and Behaviorist for the Humane Society of New York and a long-time friend of The Little Guild.
We are delighted to have Bill participate in the Great Country Mutt Show!
Thank you to our 2024 Show Sponsors!
Tito’s Vodka for Dog People
Millerton Veterinary Practice
Torrington Savings Bank
Aspetuck Animal Hospital
Burlington Construction
At Home in The Hills Team at William Pitt Sotheby’s International
The Mutt Show Schedule
All show times are approximate.
Please have your pup ready 15 mins prior to your category.
11:15 am - Junior Category (for humans under 12)
11:30 am - Most Unidentifiable Mix
11:45 am - Sweetest Pair of Dogs
12:00 pm - Best Ears
12:15 pm - Best Trick
1:00 pm - Best Lap Dog (over 40 lbs)
1:15 pm - Best Senior
1:30 pm - Best Kisser
1:45 pm - Waggiest Tail
2:00 pm - Looks Most Like Owner
2:15 pm - Best in Show Parade and Award
All participating dogs are welcome to join the Best in Show Parade
and are eligible to win, so please stay!